Indicates what areas of in life are affecting our sense of security. How we relate to family members.
How our survival instincts surface when under pressure. How we relate to the physical world and what materialistic issues we are presently working on.
2. Sacral Chakra:
Issues that are affecting emotional well being. Sex life and what lessons we need to learn concerning our sexuality. The relationship we have with those who bring out our strong emotiona; and sexual feelings.
3. Solar plexus Chakra:
Issues affecting our ability to stay centred. Shows what circumstances we need to be aware of which have the potential to affect our life. The relationship we have with those who have an impact on our lifestyle & livelihood.
4. Heart Chakra:
The ability to give and receive love. The capacity to trust and what areas we need to show empathy. What lessons we must encounter in learning to love unconditionally.
5. Throat Chakra
the ability to communicate. What areas we ned to listen carefully to, as well as convey our true message when speaking or writing.. our relationship with those who stimulate our ability to communicate.
6. Brow Chakra;
Indicates what areas of life we need to take a closer look at. Are we seeing things clearly as they really are. What areas we can use our imagination to expand our creativity.
7. Crown Chakra:
How our spirituality is developing and what obstacles are keeping us from fully connecting to our Higher Selves.
source, aeclectic.net
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