Problem Solving or Decision Making Approach This spread will help you to learn to apply the tarot to figure out how to approach a problem or decision. This is easiest when you let your ego and conscious mind relax, and allow your Higher Self to speak to you through the cards you draw.
Left Card. The Context - This card reflects a general overview of the Querant's present situation.
Center Card. The Focus - This card reflects a new set of circumstances that are about to act upon the Querant, the forces that drive these may be positive or negative depending on the card and whether it is upright or inverse. This card is the general problem or the decision to be made.
Right Card. The Outcome - This card reflects the effect of the second focus card. It shows the outcome that comes with the new circumstances; the results of the problem solving and/or decision-making.
Timeline Approach This spread will help you to learn to apply the tarot to help you to explore the forces that are influencing the Querant, by looking at the past, present and future energy around them.
Left Card. The Past - This card shows the Querant's past experiences, the ones that cast a light on the current situation.
Center Card. The Present - This card reveals what the Querant is feeling and experiencing at the moment.
Right Card. The Future - The card predicts the result of the course of action that the Querant will take, based on the first two cards.
source, bellaonline.com
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