You can think of the Celtic Cross as divided into two sections: the Circle/Cross (six cards) on the left, and the Staff (four cards) on the right. (See diagram above.) The Circle/Cross simulates the Celtic cross found throughout Ireland. This cross has a circle linking the four perpendicular spokes. The circle and cross symbolize the joining of spirit and matter and the unity of all events in time.
The feminine energy of the circular section works in unison with the masculine energy of the Staff section. These two parts of the Celtic Cross mirror the dual nature of manifested reality - the polarities that abound in the human psyche.
The Circle/Cross section is made up of two crosses - a central one (two cards) nested within a larger cross (six cards). The smaller cross represents the heart of the matter - what is most central to you at the time of the reading. It is the hub around which the wheel of your life is turning.
The larger cross consists of two lines that overlay the mini cross. The horizontal line (H) shows time moving from your past on the left into your future on the right. The vertical line (V) is your consciousness moving from your unconscious on the bottom to your conscious mind on the top. Together these six cards give you a snapshot of your inner and outer environment at the time of a reading.
The cards of the Staff section comment on your life and lie outside of the immediate situation. Here, your Inner Guide helps you understand what is shown in the Circle/Cross section. You receive guidance about yourself and others, your life lessons and your future direction.
There are a number of versions of the Celtic Cross. The differences are usually in cards 3-4-5-6. I use a circular placement to emphasize how the unconscious and the past (Cards 3 and 4) lead to the conscious and future (Cards 5 and 6). I have also added some meanings to Card 9. This position traditionally means "hopes and fears," but I also use it as a lesson or guidance card. It is always possible to adapt a spread to your own needs as long as you decide on any changes before you do a reading.
1. heart of the matter, central issue, major concern, basic worry or upset, primary focus, focus point, fundamental problem
2. opposing factor, "that which is crossing you" - traditional, contrary element, source of resistance, balancing tendency, moderating influence, rival or subversive agent
3. root cause, source of the problem, basis of the situation, why things are as they are, childhood or, past life (karmic) influence, reason behind events, starting point
4. something related to the past, quality, person, belief, event, opportunity, orientation, concern, hope, fear
5. attitudes and beliefs, what you accept as true, assumptions, convictions, how you view what is, happening, delusions or illusions, where you are placing your trust
6. something related to the future, quality, person, belief, event, opportunity, orientation, concern, hope, fear
7. you as you are, personal style, your temperament or disposition, your approach to the problem, your unique orientation, your point of view, your way of being, your position or stance
8. outside environment, "that which surrounds you" - traditional, atmosphere
emotional climate, physical and social milieu, setting for the situation, playing field, context in which you must operate
9. guidance, what you might do, how best to proceed, how you can make a change, word of warning, truth of the matter, different approach, helpful suggestion, honest assessment
10. outcome (overall), the most likely result, what may come to pass, how the situation may be resolved, where everything is leading, probable resolution
source, learntarot.com
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